Finally got a chance to watch Tron Legacy on MyStar the other night. Maybe just like me, you have fond memories of the original. It was a warm summer in Perth. School had finished, the holidays had started and Christmas was just around the corner. I'd only heard about this "ace" movie from some of the computer geeks at the time and they raved about it.
Its funny how our knowledge of technology (computers and their applications) has advanced so much since 1982. The original would have to be one of my favourite movies and so I was really looking forward to this installment.
Unfortunately, I watched it after a big day at work - yes it was a Sunday, but you know how it is... (plus I'd actually watched the rugby semi-final with Mike along with a couple of beverages late in the afternoon beforehand). Anyway, I only managed to watch half of it and.... it was really boring; I just couldn't get into it. At the time I didn't know if I'd bother watching the rest, but a couple of days later I did and... I'm happy to say I really enjoyed the second half. Maybe I'll have to watch it all again when I'm not tired and write a proper review.
I can remember watching Tron as a young whipper snapper and being totally blown away by the special effects and thinking how great the movie was. Maybe what is losing it with most of these new movies is the ability for the special effects to be so good. Haven't seen the new Tron yet but will get around to it one day.